How it started

smileunion GmbH is a growing company specializing in the sale of innovative health and wellness products. Seasonal fluctuations meant that the existing logistics system was occasionally overloaded. This caused bottlenecks in storage capacity and delayed delivery times, which in turn affected customer satisfaction. In addition, the rising costs of the previous service provider were driving the need for a more efficient solution.

The challenge

The main problems lay in the lack of transparency regarding stock levels and the resulting delays in shipping. Jacqueline Böres, COO of smileunion, was looking for a solution that could not only monitor stock levels in real time, but also reduce costs and improve shipping speed. A reliable and user-friendly solution was crucial to increase efficiency and restore customer satisfaction.

The solution

By introducing the WH1+ SaaS dashboard, smileunion GmbH was able to successfully overcome these challenges. The real-time overview function of the WH1+ dashboard ensures precise inventory tracking and enables orders to be processed immediately. The seamless integration of the dashboard into smileunion's existing systems simplified the implementation considerably. Thanks to the dashboard's modern and user-friendly design, no extensive training was required. Operation is simple and intuitive. All logistics information can be viewed clearly at a glance.

The result

  • By using the WH1+ dashboard, smileunion was able to achieve several significant improvements
  • Customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction increased thanks to faster and on-time deliveries.
  • Shipping speed: Improved inventory visibility and efficient order processing resulted in shorter shipping times.
  • Inventory Accuracy: Accurate inventory tracking reduced errors and shortages.

Warehousing1 stands out from the competition due to its customer-oriented approach and the flexibility of its solutions. The ability to offer customized solutions that are precisely tailored to our needs is a key difference to other providers.

Jacqueline Böres,
COO of smileunion GmbH

About smileunion GmbH

smileunion is an up-and-coming company in the field of dental aesthetics. With innovative solutions and a strong focus on customer satisfaction, the company has established itself in a growing market. The collaboration with Warehousing1 and the use of the WH1+ SaaS dashboard have contributed significantly to the optimization of logistical processes.

Talk to a logistics expert now.

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