Why are certifications important in logistics?

Certifications in general are proof that certain standards or guidelines are adhered to in a company. These are checked by assessors from different inspection bodies with the help of numerous tests.

In logistics, certifications can be relevant at different levels. On the one hand, it is about the general company processes and values, on the other hand, it is about topics that are specific for an industry or product.

The functions of certifications in warehouse logistics are, in summary, the following:
- Insurance of the right storage of goods
- Insurance against legal problems
- Insurance of a standardised consistency and organisation of work processes
- Insurance of a certain quality approach, quality management and a quality infrastructure

Which certifications are relevant for logistics?

ISO 9001 ISO 27001 ISO 18001 ISO 14001
EU organic certification HACCP IFS QS
ISO 28001 TAPA-Standards ISO 19600 ISO 26000

Are you looking for a certified warehouse logistics specialist? Warehousing1 is sure to have the right address in its network of over 500 logistics companies to store your goods in line with the industry and product requirements. Our partners can cover all relevant certifications and thus offer you the best service.

The different certifications

Quality and safety

Certifications in the area of quality and safety relate to all processes of a company and thus also play a major role in logistics. Today, they are the cornerstone for cost and process optimization in the logistics sector and ensure that the services provided meet customer requirements. The most important certification here is ISO 9001, followed by ISO 27001, which stands for information and thus process security. For its part, ISO 18001 applies to occupational health and safety.


Sustainability and environmental protection have become increasingly important in recent years and consumers are paying more and more attention to these aspects. The improvement of environmental performance through a corporate environmental policy is thus slowly but surely becoming indispensable for companies to remain competitive. Logistics plays a major role in the corporate process and should be audited accordingly. Here, too, certifications come into play to formally prove the company's commitment. The most common standard here is the globally recognized ISO 14001 certification.

If you are looking for a logistics service provider that has certifications in quality and safety, as well as environment, Warehousing1 can help you.

Simply fill out the contact form and your personal Warehousing1 contact will get back to you within 24 hours.

Organic certification

In order to be able to store products that carry the EU organic certification, a certification is also required on the part of the warehouse logistics or fulfillment service provider. This assures that the high standards for products from organically controlled cultivation are maintained. These standards include protection from contamination, clear separation of certified products from conventional goods, precise documentation of all goods movements and declaration of organic goods on delivery bills and invoices in accordance with the guidelines.


In the food industry, certifications are of great importance, because strict measures are important for both food hygiene and food safety, which serve consumer protection. There are different standards for this, such as HACCP, IFS or QS. HACCP is a quality tool for hazard analysis, which is intended to act preventively. IFS describes a set of standards developed by the German and French retail federations and refers to the conformity of products. The QS seal stands for transparency, traceability and reliability throughout the production chain.

Do you sell organic products or are you active in the food industry?

We can help you find the warehouse logistics specialist who has the certifications you need for your product. Simply inquire with us and get contacted within just 24 hours.

Pharmaceutical products

In pharmaceutical logistics, the EU directive GDP, which assures the quality and integrity of pharmaceuticals throughout the entire supply chain, is essential. This includes, for example, compliance with the ideal storage temperature specified by the manufacturer. In security management, ISO 28001 and the TAPA standards should be mentioned. ISO 27001 certifies information security and thus ensures, for example, that it is possible to prove an unbroken supply chain, which minimizes the risk of counterfeit drugs being introduced.

Hazardous substances and chemical logistics

The proper storage of hazardous substances plays a major role, especially in the chemical industry, and requires a large number of precautions. In addition to the quality and safety certifications mentioned above, ISO 19600 is also important here. This is a certification in the area of compliance management systems and can ensure conformity with regulations in the event of an accident. The ISO certifications 14001 and 26000 are also important in the chemical industry, which is often under societal pressure, as they demonstrate the company's social responsibility.

If you are looking for storage space for pharmaceutical products or hazardous materials, we can provide you with a project-specific quote.

Simply leave us your contact information in the contact form and one of our representatives will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss further details.

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