What types of storage are there?

Camps can be so different

When thinking about warehouse logistics, images of gray, monotonous warehouses come to mind. Very few think of complex high-bay storage systems, modern software and fully automated warehouses. The large number of department stores in Germany not only fulfill different purposes but are also structured differently. This also explains various questions: Why is storage on pallets more practical? Why are they only allowed to be packed up to a certain height and a maximum weight? And why are some products actually cheaper to store than others?

Looking for storage space?

Of course, Warehousing1 will be happy to help you find the perfect warehouse for you. Thanks to our partner network, we can cover all types of storage and always offer you the best prices. Simply make a short request using our contact form and receive tailor-made offers.

The different types of storage

High bay warehouse

The storage volume is optimally used by high-bay warehouses. Especially in areas with less space available, more than a hundred thousand pallet spaces can be created in warehouses with up to 50 m high rack systems. Features of the high bay warehouse are the following:

  • fully electronic through storage and retrieval machines and warehouse management system
  • High acquisition costs
  • high storage capacity through optimal use of space

Block storage

The block storage is a ground-level storage area that does not have storage facilities or other fixed devices. Advantages of the block storage are

  • No acquisition, inventory and maintenance costs
  • Perfect for stackable boxes, pallets and lattice boxes
  • LIFO principle possible without any problems

Free warehouse

This is uncovered storage space. Since there is only a few work to be done on the floor of the warehouse and security precautions, it is very inexpensive to build. Floor storage is best suited for

  • Low-value or weatherproof (bulk) goods
  • Finished products
  • Heavy goods or materials that do not need to be secured against theft

Automated warehouse

This type of storage system can save time and money by automating all warehouse processes. Considering the high acquisition costs, it has mainly advantages

  • shorter delivery times due to faster access to the goods
  • lower error rates due to automated processes
  • optimal use of space

Narrow aisle warehouse

Shelves and shelving systems are also installed in narrow aisle warehouses. The storage space is also used here by building only around 1.5 m wide aisles. Because of this, it is not possible to enter the storage area as a pedestrian. Narrow-aisle forklifts have the following advantages

  • Quick access
  • The turnover of goods according to the FIFO principle
  • The constant safety of employees

Shelf storage

In order to save space and to allow easy access to the goods, shelves are built in to store the goods, which can be optimized by flow racks. There are different sizes for this, which offer space for different goods and load carriers

  • Pallet rack: storage of pallets
  • Shelf rack: storage of small parts
  • Cantilever rack: storage of long goods

Your current warehouse is full, you want to optimize your costs or expand your warehouse network and shorten transport routes?

Free storage, block storage or automated storage? Thanks to our network of over 1,000 partner locations, we have the best service provider for every product with the right warehouse for your requirements. Inquire now to receive a tailor-made offer, which may save you transport routes, reduce delivery times and save storage costs.

Talk to a logistics expert now.

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