
Are you searching for a fulfillment company that can connect to WooCommerce? Contact Warehousing1 now.

About WooCommerce

General information

WooCommerce was established in 2011 by the US-Americans Mike Jolley and James Koster. Due to its cost-free basic version and numerous extensions, WooCommerce enjoyed great popularity right from the start. In 2015, the company was acquired by the Wordpress.com operator Automattic. To date, the company is able to report more than 100 million downloads.


What functionalities does WooCommerce offer?
WooCommerce offers its users, among other features, integrated SEO functions, customizable reporting, the ability to create different product categories as well as to display different shipping options.
How do I connect WooCommerce to a WMS/LVS?
For WooCommerce stores, there are integration options to JTL, Billbee, pixi, Orderhive and Tricoma. With Warehousing1, you can even establish an interface to all other common warehouse management systems.
How much does WooCommerce cost?
WooCommerce is an open source solution and therefore free of charge. Costs can arise if plug-ins are used, for example for payment, for which some providers demand license fees.
Is WooCommerce the right store system for you?
The fact that WooCommerce is free of charge makes it especially appealing for smaller companies and startups. Nevertheless, the setup of the online store has to be carried out manually, which requires some experience.
Who provides fulfillment with WooCommerce in Germany and Europe?
There are several service providers in Germany that can do fulfillment for an WooCommerce online store. To find the suitable offer, simply contact Warehousing1 without obligation.

Interface with SimpleControl

No setup fee for integration and customized dashboard
Rapid connection to WooCommerce without setup fees

Warehousing1 can integrate your WooCommerce online store within just five business days, thus ensuring a quick start to fulfillment.

Customized dashboard

Monitor the entire fulfillment process through your customized dashboard: from goods receipt, to order processing status, to returns management.

Your advantages with SimpleControl

Fulfillment has never been so easy and reliable

Seamless connection

Your shop system is connected easily and quickly

Customized dashboard

Stay up to date with real-time analysis of individual KPIs

Delivery in 1-2 working days

Late cut-off times and pick-up several times a day enable next-day delivery

Scalable fulfillment centers

Always the ideal location for you with ample logistics capacity for your growth

Highest flexibility

No risk for you, without long contract term and with flexible termination

Transparent pricing

Transparent pricing scales, flexibly adapted to your needs

Talk to a logistics expert now.

Would you like to get started right away or do you still have questions about working with us? Click on one of the links below or simply fill out the adjacent contact form now. We will get back to you within the next few hours.

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Phone: +49 30 629 3898 0

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